Trigeminal Neuralgia - Update in Our Knowledges
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Published: 30 December 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Background: Trigeminal neuralgia can be presented with chronic pain or acute pain depending on the cause, which varies with the patients. Chronic pain differs greatly from acute pain in terms of the pain persistence and adaptation. TN is the most successfully treated NP both medically and surgically. Trigeminal neuralgia is associated with poor activity of daily living, suicidal attempts and an overall decreased quality of life due to the unbearable pain.
Aim of the work: the aim of this review was to illustrate the definitions and diagnosis of TGN and its pathology with discussion of the best methods Plasma of management.
Study design: Narrative review article.
Conclusion: TGN is a lifelong disease that requires expert strategies with life-long duration. RF is an effective, accurate and precise procedure that provides efficient pain relief to TGN sufferers. RF is suggested in the elderly because it is more beneficial to them in term of low morbidity and mortality.
Keywords: Trigeminal neuralgia – Radiofrequency – VDC-VAS score- Anticonvulsants.

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How to Cite
Alaa Ali M. Elzohry, MD. (2019-12-30). "Trigeminal Neuralgia - Update in Our Knowledges." *Volume 2*, 2, 24-30